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Found this T-Sql post useful

Execute SSRS Report Subscriptions Manually
Posted on September 5, 2012 by sqlgirl
Execute SSRS Report Subscriptions Manually. The following code will allow the report developer to manually execute a report subscription if the subscription has failed (or is needed to be run ad-hoc).

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
2. Connect to the Report Server.
3. Choose ReportServer for the database.
4. Execute the following Query to determine the SQLAgent Job Name (Job ID).

/*Execute SSRS Subscription Manually*/
/*Connect to Database ReportServer*/
S.ScheduleID AS SQLAgent_Job_Name
,SUB.Description AS Sub_Desc
,SUB.DeliveryExtension AS Sub_Del_Extension
,C.Name AS ReportName
,C.Path AS ReportPath
FROM ReportSchedule RS
INNER JOIN Schedule S ON (RS.ScheduleID = S.ScheduleID)
INNER JOIN Subscriptions SUB ON (RS.SubscriptionID = SUB.SubscriptionID)
INNER JOIN [Catalog] C ON (RS.ReportID = C.ItemID AND SUB.Report_OID = C.ItemID)
C.Name LIKE ” –Enter Report Name to find Job_Name

5. Connect to MSDB Database on the Report Server.
6. Insert the SQLAgent_Job_Name in the following and execute.

/*Connect to Database MSDB on the Reporting Server*/
/*Enter SQLAgent_Job_Name to execute the subscription based on Job ID*/
USE msdb
EXEC sp_start_job @job_name = ” –Enter SQLAgent_Job_Name

I used the exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job ….. since I was calling it from within a sp.

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ESP8266-03 Wifi Board

Day 2 – I have come to the conclusion that I need a level shifter. Ordered 2 from Cali. Hmm, investigating using a usb-serial cable with a 3.3v ps. has German instructions. Giving that a go. Scratch that, I think maybe I blew my ESP8266, I had it hooked to the USB-Serial cable without a level shifter for some time. I did try a resistor voltage divider, but get no response. I will have to try another board, I have to solder it up. I did find some really good beginner instructions here:

Day 1 – Soldered some resistor legs to the SMT spots. The method I used was to insert the snipped legs from the resistors into a 16 pin dip socket, then wedged the board in place. This had the effect of getting the pins to be held against the board. This is the final result. I have not found any helpful links about this version of the board yet.

ESP8266-03 Top view
ESP8266-03 Top view

ESP8266-03 side view
ESP8266-03 side view